How do I register my school?

Our FREE online registration is quick and easy. Please click here or call us at 800-457-1899.

Does it cost anything to register?

No. Our no-obligation registration is FREE.

How does your service work?
  • Your school registers, becoming a TOR client school.
  • When a substitute is needed (with advance notice or on the “the morning of”) your school can call us or order online.
  • We find a match for the assignment.
  • We contact your school to provide confirmation of the filled order.

Can we call with an assignment on “the morning of”?

Yes. At least 50% of our orders are “morning of” calls.

How early in the morning can we call with an assignment?

Our staff begins dispatching at 6 a.m., but we have voicemail available 24/7.

Can we PLACE an order ONLINE?

Yes. Once your school registers, you receive a password and can place substitute orders immediately.

How do you find your teachers?

We actively recruit year-round in a variety of ways. We attend job fairs, advertise in several publications, and have established relationships with many colleges, universities and job development centers.

Can I use your substitute to replace my teacher on a long-term basis?

Yes. Schools often place our substitutes in long-term assignments, lasting anywhere from a few weeks to a full semester.

Can we permanently hire one of the substitutes?

Yes. Every year, we place our talented substitutes in permanent positions with client schools. It’s a great way for teacher and school to determine that they’ve found the right match.

Who does the payroll?

We do. Teachers On Reserve handles all payroll and our substitutes are fully covered by our own Worker’s Compensation, Unemployment, Liability and Professional Insurance.