


Teachers On Reserve has served the substituting needs of a wide variety of Private, Independent and Charter Schools since 1987.

Each of our substitute teachers is thoroughly screened and interviewed. All have passed recent TB tests. They are hand-selected by our experienced staff for each assignment, at each school.

The requirements of our client schools differ as widely as the wonderful variety of students they educate. Some require substitutes to have a BA and relevant teaching experience while others also require a current CA teaching credential. At the preschool level, the background required of substitutes may vary from graduation from an Early Childhood Program to possession of a Children's Center Permit.

With our large staff of substitute teachers, we can meet all of the above requirements, plus many more.

If you are a school interested in TOR's services, click here.

If you are a new school and would like to register, click here.

To see a representative list of current client schools, click here.

Many teachers continue education training to maximize their career potential.